Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April Fools' Day Skinpacks available!! (ehm... it's not a joke!)

Yeah! It's not a joke!

I just released a new update of my skinpacks, the biggest changes are:

the 12 radio stations buttons
(you have 6 more stations pressing RDS buttons)

the MyDean player carplay skin

This is the changelog:

- Added a Nitrogen Carplay skin with clock
- Skin5: centered buttons labels in radio screens
- Fixed Clocks 2 points position in radio screens
- Fixed O-S2 bug in radioeditor
- Added copy of station names when installing a skin
- After installing, applying or uninstalling a skin, the skinmanager restart to refresh the icons
- Deleted redundant skintool options
- Added 6 more station buttons in RDS screen
- Fixed BT Phone/Unit switch button in dialing screen
- Skinned Ipod screen
- Install/Update skins now check for radio editor patches and update skinmanager apply icons
- Fixed Font Changer bugs
- Fixed RadioEditor string_ch bug and added backcup of current string
- Changed Extras Install/Update now is selectable by choice
- Added Mydean Skin5 version
- Added Skin4 glass effect to radio clocks (tnx Catalin)
Some notes about this update:
- Enabling the Mydean player sometimes (it happened to me 2 times over 20) the unit hangs and need to reflash the firmware, so be sure you have the fw for your unit available.
- In the previous release there was a bug in my radioeditor script that create a wrong skin folder in the unit, resulting that you have installed  a skin even if you didn't. To remove this problem you'll have to use the skintool function "Restore original skin and delete others" or reflash the firmware.
- When using radio editor, be sure you have the correct date and time set on your system because I use it to store your favorite stations in your Language file and copy  it over all skins.

UPDATE: I just uploaded a 02.04.2015 small fix for radio editor and 12 buttons mod, if you have downloaded 01.04 version, just apply the patch to the skinmanager folder on your sdcard overwriting the files.
...coming up next:

- Porting of the full MyDean skin to S100
- Album.jpg support in audio player (Tnx to Alex)
- Port the mydean player skin5 version to standard player (Again Tnx to Alex)

To buy the skinpack please go to this post: