Thursday, May 7, 2015

May 2015 - S100 Skinpack update available

It's already passed one month since my last post on this blog but it's not because I'm lazy (well maybe just a little), it's because there are some good news and new features about my skinpacks that tooked some time to be developed.
The first good news is that I have a new collaborator that I would like to thank for his great help on the Scripting side, so Thank You EAC!
With his help we improved a lot the Skinmanager functions and now it can be run from all the external storages available ( USB, DVD  and GPS slots), it will automatically check for Skinmanager and for Skins updates availabilty.
If a skin update is available the Skinmanager will show the "NEW" flag on top of the skin icon:

Clicking on the skin icon you'll be prompted to update or not.
Skinmanager will also check the presence of a skin folder on the storage, if not available will show the "Interdiction" symbol.

EAC has also improved the entire Messaging system of skinmanager so that now it's more understandable and clear.

Another BIG thank's go to my russian friend Alex that has realized all the great Patches to the software allowing us to have the 12 radio buttons, the unencripted strings and now the possibility to be more free to skin the audio player adding repositioning and resizing of the album art and the progress slider. Regarding album art, he was also able to add support for covers in the format "anyname.jpg", so the audio player now will show the cover  embedded in the mp3 tag as usual or the jpg image included in the album folder.

So making a list of what you'll get in this update:

1. Album art in JPG format support
2. Ported the skin i made for mydean player to Carplay original player
3. A little rework in skin4 audio player
4. New ipod skin for carplay (it's like previous audio player)
5. Skinned video section in Skin3,4 and 5
6. Added 12 radio buttons to skin1 and skin2
7. Redesigned all keyboards in skin 4 and 5 (BT, Video search, Audio search) in all languages
8. Skinmanager and Skins version update check
9. Fullbackup of the entire firmware trought skintool
10. Skinmanager can run from USB and DVD slot too
11. Better icons and Messaging system in Skinmanager
12. Changelog viewable from skinmanager
13. And so on... too many to rember them all.. read the changelog for the rest :)

ATTENTION: If you were using the software patch, you will need to re-apply the patch again to have everything working ok.

Some pictures now:

(I'll upload more pics later on)

 Right now is available the skinpacks for the newest firmwares from 1.8.9 to 1.10.9 and i don't know if i'll make a version for 1.7.9 because the audio Patches are not available for that firmware.

Coming up next:

- port the mydean interface to standard s100

- more optimizations and features to skinmanager


After payment you'll be redirected to the download link (clicking on "return to reseller site") and you'll receive an email with a memo of the link.
N.B. Please consider the world time difference and my busy life before asking for the confirmation email or for a paypal refund, Thank you.


  1. Great... Thanks again KoTiX and Alex and EAC... Tomorrow morning I will test everything!!! I like all changelog improvements but the keyboard in my language (greek) sounds great for me... I was waiting this for a long time!!!
    I'll post another comment soon...

  2. Hello... i make the pay, but when system says the file not found...
    my email is, please send me the link to download the files... i pay for CarPlay

    1. link sent.
      I'm changing my payment account so maybe there could be some troubles in these days... Tnx for your patience ;)

    2. Hello... i make the pay, but when system says the file not found...
      my email is, please send me the link to download the files... i pay for CarPlay


  3. Thank you very much for this new update, and thanks for the new look for the music player in the skin 4, i had asked for this one month ago and now you have done it.

    Thanks a lot

  4. Nice work, i'm using carplay skin. It would be nice if you could resize clock in audio player skin, also the color of this clock is pretty much invisible during daytime. Everything else is perfect :)

  5. Hello, i´d the same issue.

    Paid and had no link. Could you please help me on?

    my paypal user is and i bought the Carplay skin only.


    1. I always send the confirmation email after payment but please consider always the time where I live is different from yours so it could be night here when you purchase my skin.

  6. KOTIX, ANY EMAIL ? for contact direct with you ?? or skype ?

    1. Look at my profile on the right side of this blog

  7. Date: May 19, 2015
    File Name: C249-1-V1.1.10.18.exe 74.3 MB total
    Download link:
    RN model: C249-1
    OS: S100-UNI.A20140721-A2.2
    APP: S100-V1.1.10.18
    MCU: G00P S00I

    1. OS: S100-UNI.A20140721-A2.2
      APP: S100-V1.1.10.18
      MCU: Q00P S00I


    2. Ohh.. Let's see what we got here now..

    3. OS: S100-UNI.A20140721-A2.2
      APP: S100-V1.1.10.18
      MCU: Q00P S00I


    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi Marco,
    Do you know which are differences between 1.8.9 and 1.10.9 versions of S100?

    1. No differences, they just added more models.
      Ciao ;)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. hello

    can i update the firmware from 1.79 to newer ?

    i using you skin old one and its very nice but need to upgrade the player so i can play music from usb


    1. Mi skins are ok for firmwares up to 1.10.9, they are not ready for 1.1.10 that just came out

  11. KoTiX sorry for the non related to your topic question
    but does the 1.10.9 and later update six the laggy audio player
    and does it have any other problem
    i have 1.6.9 firmware installed on my s 100 and i want to upgrade but afraid from problems that i am hearing about GPS also
    so do you advise me to update and to which version
    sorry for asking you but i didn't find anyone better than you to ask
    and thanks in advance

    1. 1.8.9->1.10.9 have another problem on the audio player that doesn't show the artist/song tags when skinpping next/previous song. 1.7.9 don't have this problem. I don't know about the lag.
      Btw if you use my skinpacks i suggest to use the 1.10.9 because it's the most functional and with more mods.
      I'm not an expert on gps side...

    2. thanks again bro
      so the only problems i will face when updating is the missing of artist/song tags not big deal for me
      if that's it i am going to update and use your new skins
      oh another question did you try the new 1.10.18 and is there is any new or fixes in it and are you gone support it in the near future

    3. There are no relevant changes and audio player is still buggy.
      I will update the skinpack when the fw will be more diffuse.

  12. hello again

    now the only ver will work with 1.79 is Carplay skinpack right ?
    so i can make payment for it just to make sure it will work


    1. NO, every skinpack will work for 1.7.9, they are not just updated to latest May release.
      The skinpacks for 1.7.9 are stopped at april version but doesn't mean that they are no good, check the april's fools post to see what's in that package.
      You can buy every pack you wish. ;)

  13. Hi KoTiX could you resend link please. I`d like to install update and can't find link. My mail is

  14. Are you aware that there's no thermometer in electric blue main screen? The rest are OK but it's not shown in this one.

    1. Yes i know, skin3 is very old and has been left behind to develope the other skins.
      I'll try to find the time to add temp on home screen and improve some more this skin.
      Tnx for your advice :)

  15. Hi,

    is there a problem with the download server? I got a message from dropbox after payment, that the files are not found for download. please send me a going download link.


  16. hello;
    i bought the fullpack today; and don't work for me; screen frozen on path skinmanager.exe
    i choose Full Skinpack 07.05.2015 for fw 1.8.9-.1.9.9.-1.10.9, my vrsion app is s100-v1,6,9,0
    thanks for help

    1. You should update your firmware first at least version to 1.7.9 version and then download the respective version of skinpack.
      Please go to roadnav forum to find the firmware for your model.
      Please follow the update istructions and the skinmanager guide, you probably have extractted the files in a wrong way.

      Bye ;)

    2. hi Kotix, you confirm that at least version 1.7.9 is suitable for the skinpacks. However, you mentioned earlier that skinpacks are only available from version 1.8.9 to 1.10.9 and you don't know if you'll make a version for 1.7.9 because the audio Patches are not available for that firmware.


  17. in my original player I can select a folder to play. But at end of list the player stop playing and i shoud select another folder from list. In your skin and players such as nitrogen player there is a key list to select the folder. And not exist any key to go next or previous folder.
    Do you can fix this problem?

  18. Hi Kotix! First of all, great job customizing the S100 stereos! I'm very interested in buying the carplay skin, but I have two questions.
    1. Is it possible in any of your skins to change the currently selected iPod playlist? Not just listen to the one currently selected on the iPod? Or is this a matter of firmware and it's coded deeply in the firmware, not just in the skin?
    2. Is there a chance of creating a light-skin, or perhaps any other tweak to speed up the boot of the stereo? It loads up pretty quickly compared to stereos with Android 4.4, but it's still 10-15 seconds of silence after starting the car. And following up on this, does your skin pack anyhow slow down the device?

    Thanks again and I'm looking forward to your answer. Have a good day!

    1. Hi,
      1. It's not a skin matter, as you said is firmware problem.
      2. I don't know if exist a way to speed up boot, for sure the skin doesn't slow it down.
      You can compare the timings switching between original one and my skins with skinmanager.
      Sorry I can't be very helpful on your questions.

    2. Thanks for your answers, as soon as I have some time to play with it, I'll be purchasing the skinmanager :)

  19. Kotix gracias por tu trabajo, hace unos meses compre el CarPlay skinpack, ahora quiero comprar el Full skinpack, cuanto mas debo de pagar.. Me podrias enviar el linck de paypal gracias..

  20. Replies
    1. Hi Daniel, i know i'm a bit late with a release this time but the next release will be full of new stuff: anew skin6, new DSP and other screens in skin5, a new rework and new screens in skin3, a fully reworked skinmanager raised up to version 4.30, etc...
      Please be patience a little more. ;)

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Hi, I want to buy this skin, but have questions:
    There is a trial version of the skin?
    Skin for each individual model of car (I have C150 ford focus3)?
    How to display the climate control?

    1. No trial version. but i have made a collection of images here:

      The skin work on every model except c219.
      Climete control is not skinned and will use the original interface.

      Bye ;)

  23. ciao kotix
    Volevo scaricare l' ultimo aggiornamento ma dropbox mi da errore
    Per caso hai cambiato il link?

    1. Non ci sono aggiornamenti per ora, metterò un nuovo post sul blog quando sarà disponibile.
      Il mio account dropbox è sovraccarico e me l'hanno sospeso.... sto passando a google drive.

  24. Hola, tengo un honda crv con s100 c111. Los datos del firmware son:
    edition bsp s100-uni-a20140106
    edition app s100-v1.3.9.18
    edition mcu Z60L S00E C111
    edition dvd 3255 v100 7706
    Funcionará skinpack en mi unidad? En caso negativo, que firmware necesito y donde lo consigo?

    1. Tiene que flashar un firmware mas nuevo para tu modelo C111, vas en para conseguir el firmware.
      Gracias. :)

  25. what system you make the skins for the nitrogen?
    XP 32-bit?

    1. I use win7 32 bit but it doesn't really matter, you need the nitrogen skintool to make those skins.

  26. Thanks for answering. I always tried to do a skin but always gets an error, sometimes the titles of the songs does not appear. but I was using win7 64bit ..

  27. Ciao kotix
    Mi sono preso indietro Di mesi
    Mi puoi in qualche modo mandarlo?
    L ultimo
    Grazie mille

    1. Niente aggiornamenti per ora.
      Sono ancora in lavorazione.

      Ciao ;)

  28. Hallo, ich besitze ein Maxyon Monaco 2 mit S100-V1.7.9.0. Laufen die Skins auf diesem Gerät. Danke und Gruß Christian

  29. Hallo, ich besitze ein Maxyon Monaco 2 mit S100-V1.7.9.0. Laufen die Skins auf diesem Gerät. Danke und Gruß Christian

  30. Hola. Tengo un Citroën C4 lounge con un equipo s100 C241 y acabo de actualizar a la última versión del firmware en

    Cual sking puedo comprar y como hago ?



    1. Si tiene el fw 1.1.10 es mejor si espera la proxima semana que sale el nuevo skinpack correcto para tu firmware.
      Puede comprar el skinpack que mas te gusta o el skinpack completo, todos son bueno para tu modelo.

    2. La versión instalada es
      Date: May 6, 2015
      File Name: C241-V1.10.9.0.exe 74.5 MB total
      Download link:
      RN model: C241
      OS: S100-UNI.A20140721-A2.2
      APP: S100-V1.10.9.0
      MCU: G00P S00I

      Donde descargo la 1.1.10 ?

    3. Piece tener tambien la 1.10.9, no cambia Nada en la 1.1.10.

    4. Perfecto , espero a la semana que viene .

      Gracias !

  31. Ciao Hotix sto aggiornando il mio s100 c045 alla versione sperando che vada tutto a buon fine mi piacerebbe provare il tuo skinmanager ma non vedo dove effettuare il pagamento. link?

  32. plz send me the link

    tnx alot

    1. Did you bought my skinpack? Please go here to buy it:

  33. CENTRAL MULTIMIDA DANDO ERRO (APPLIcation platform.exe encountered a serious error and must shut down s100) ESSE FW RESOLVE MEU PROBLEMA. MEU EMAIL- LUIZ@KAZAMOVEIS.IND.BR AGUARDO RESPOSTA!

  34. lo descarga desde la misma carpeta en mi gdrive

  35. Si funcionan en todos y dos.

  36. Hi
    I have s100 model C136I-1.
    Does it update to any version better?
    Does work any skins in my device?
    Have anice weekend.


  37. Hi
    I have s100 model C136I-1.
    Does it update to any version better?
    Does work any skins in my device?
    Have anice weekend.


    1. My skinpacks are compatible with every models except c219.
      Look at my site for mor einfos about my skinapck:

  38. sono molto interessato a questo skinpack per la renault laguna manon riesco a trovare metodo di download o pagamento vorrei informazioni grazie

    I am very interested in this skinpack for renault laguna but I can not find the download method or payment information I would like to thank contct my

    1. la mia base di lavoro è un s.b.c. pine 64 . posso installare win ce con pannello touch 7" puoi aiutarmi grazie

      My work is a basic s.b.c. 64 pine. I install win ce with touch 7 "panel you can help me thanks

  39. Ciao ho un c083 montato su una Peugeot 308. Ho visto che nella lista non c'è. È possibile installare Android con il supporto per i comandi al volante anche per questa unità? Grazie

    1. No, android per c083 non é disponibile e non Ti funzionerebbe il canbus.
      Puoi cmq usare LA mia skin android per wince ed il mirrorlink.

    2. Ah ok interessante funzione mi piacerebbe averla... quindi hai fatto qualche aggiornamento alle skin ? L hanno scorso ti avevo preso il pacchetto 20 euro come faccio ad aggiornarlo? Grazie

    3. Beh dall'anno scorso gli aggiornamneti sono tanti:
      Nuova skin stile android,mirrorlink, icone per le stazioni radio, temi per le skin etc...
      Trovi tutto sul mio sito

  40. Replies
    1. Hola, no hay nada porque c219 tiene una interfaz diferente de todos los modelos de s100.
      Lo siento pero no puedo hacer nada.

  41. Ciao non riesco a trovare dove fare il pagamento X ricevere lo skinmanager

    1. nella sezione shop/s100
      Scegli il pacchetto skin che piu ti piace e clicca sul pulsante "buynow"

  42. Hi Kotix
    Do you still sell the Carplay skin for S100?
    I didn't find any link to login or to pay for skinmanager or skinpack.


    1. Hi Mike,
      To buy my skins you need to visit my site
      Go in the shop/s100 section ;)

  43. Does Skinmanager support brasil portugues and TV works? S100 C239

    1. Yes, Brazilian is supported and TV don't depend on skinmanager

  44. Hi! But I don't understand, how to pay. Can you explain me?

    1. Please go to my site
      In the shop/s100 section.

      Best regards ;)
