Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Carplay Skinpack is ready!!

Finally I can release a first version of my Carplay skin!!

Even if some parts still need to be done, I decided to release today the Carplay skinpack to keep the promise to have it ready for the end of february and mostly because many people is screaming on me that they cant wait more!

So, what you will get buying this new skinpack is:

- Carplay skin of course
- My Skin2 from previous pack
- All the skintool features of the previous skinpack (Nitrogen, Mydean player, etc..)
- A new Nitrogen skin to match my carplay audio player:

There are 2 versions of the Skinpack available ,one for firmware 1.7.9 and one for 1.8.9 and 1.9.9.
I don't know if I'll find the time to make a version for 1.6.9 firmware.

The Ipod section is not skinned yet , it will come in the next days/week.

As Skinmanager right now support only 4 skins, the carplay is set to be as Skin3 (you can rename it 2 or 4 if you wish, just the icons in the skinmanager will be wrong).
In the future I'll release an update of skinmanager that will support 5 skins.

I'm sorry to don't write too much here but my time is always less....
I hope you like it and enjoy my work :)


How to get this skinpack:


In the next days I'll setup a payment page with a price list:
- Standard Skinpack 15 euros
- Carplay Skinpack 20 euros
- Both packs 30 euros


  1. Very good! i'll buy as soon as possible!
    One question: When I bought the carplay skin, the update that you will release in the end the month will be free?

  2. Payment done !! Thanks a lot for your hard work during your free time. Will test it asap !!

    1. Good!!
      Please report your opinion, bugs and whatever it make you mind :)

  3. Hi, if I understand well, I just have to copy the folder "skin3" on my current skinmanager folder, so that I could use both skin3 (carplay) and skin4 (my current skin). Is that correct ?

  4. if I have the skin 3 above and buy the new pack, I can keep (while the new mature) the skin 3, but keep in nitrogen the new skin?

    Thanks from spain and great job, the s100 is perfect with your skins.

    1. Yes, nitrogen skins are independent from the skin you use. Just select in nitrogen options.

  5. Hi kotix, I installed the skin today and it looks really, really good.

    Just few things I noticed:

    - I can't find the DVR section (for my dashcam). Maybe I missed something.

    - On the audio player, the 2nd line (showing the file name ?) is a little too big I think. Is it possible to have just artist name, song name, and maybe album name ?

    - Maybe the audio icons on the bluetooth section are a little too bug, but it is juste m'y feeling.

    I will continue testing it, bye.

    1. About dvr, I did a small update this morning because was missing a file for c201 that I guess you are using.
      Download it again please and tnx for reporting ;)

    2. Thanks, I will wait next update, I don't really need dvr right now.

  6. thanks from greece!!! i pay and i test it tonight !

    thanks for your work kotix !!!

  7. Just downloaded, will now start testing, Thanks

  8. KoTIX Hi , I just installed it and it is really beautiful. Very good work ..! For what is against APP Radio in Tools? Because it does not launch .
    Thank you for your return

    1. Glad you like it :)
      The Radio Editor is a russian tool to edit the radio stations names, it doesn't work right now because i had not the time to fix the launcher.
      Will be fixed later on..

  9. Hi Kotix,
    i will install it tonight.
    Do you have a bug and feature request page?


    1. Hi Philipp,
      Yes, there is dedicated thread on roadnav forum, please use it:

  10. Hi Kotix,
    I have installed, just one issue I have picked up, on PiP screen nothing works after selecting PiP

    1. Which firmware are you using? what model do you have?

    2. Opel Astra j S100 model, I'm using firmware 1.7.9, I will test to see if it does the same for other skin's or if it happens only on Carplay skin.

    3. Opel Astra j S100 model, I'm using firmware 1.7.9, I will test to see if it does the same for other skin's or if it happens only on Carplay skin.

    4. Opel astra use the model Cxxx?

    5. I don't think is a skin problem, but you are correct saying to test the original skin first.
      Try also to play a little with bluetooth, audioplayer and radio. Switch between each other and try again PiP function.

    6. I did exactly what you have suggested above and the PiP is now working, thanks very much for the help.

  11. Hola Kotix, yo compre el skin anterior, por favor mándame el mail de pago para poder comprar el car play.

    Gracias por tu trabajo

  12. Hi Kotix,

    Thanks for your job. Amazing ! I'm interested in purchasing Carplay but I need your help to know if it will fit into my system.
    Can we talk by email ? Here is my system details :
    EDITION bsp : S100-UNI.A20140721-A2.2
    EDITION app : S100-V1.7.9.1
    EDITION DVD : 3200 V100 7706
    EDITION BT : 20121204
    OEM INFO : A026

    1. If your unit use the standard s100 interface, yes.
      If it use the BMW Theme that part will remain untouched.

  13. On the main screen, is it possible to have the time bar on the left of the screen to match real carplay ?
    It just a small detail...

    1. I tryed to have it on left but on my car i couldn't see the clock, the power and light button.
      I invite everybody to discuss these details on the roadnav forum in the dedicated thread, as it will be a better place to talk about it.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Solo hay que pegar la carpeta 3 encima de la anterior o hay que copiar todos los archivos que hay en la nueva carpeta skinmanager?

  16. Thank you Kotix. I'm gone buy it. Which one should I download ? I have the firmware
    Thank you very much !

    1. Thanks man, finally gone buy the carplay. Looks great!!!! Will it be possible in a future to have OBC info on the system ?
      As kilometers, gas consum, outside temperature ?

    2. Downloaded!! I'm gone try it right now.. Thanks to you and Marco also!!

  17. Installed and it is a great skin.Thanks

  18. I installed and is the best
    Thanks again

  19. Hi All,

    I have installed it but gives me an error message : Cannot find "skin2_eng" ( OR one of its components).
    Make sure the path and filename are correct and that all the required libraries are available...
    What should I do ?

    1. Hi KoTIX!! Great job. I've managed to install the problem was coming as I'm in MacOS environnement.
      The unrar of the file do not recognise the .exe of skinmanager. I've did it with Windows environennment and works fine.
      Some questions : Do you have email for support questions ? I do not want to bore you...
      Where is hobdrive? I do not manage to find it.. And how could I get Nitrogen environnement in Spanish ?
      Amazing job, the system looks faster in responding and the interface is quite brillant! I'm impatient for the update!! ;)

  20. Hello kotix, bought the skin now and is simply excellent!
    By daniel viana

    1. Glad you guys like it :)
      It will become even better...

  21. Hi.. Is it possible to make a black background for bluetooth streaming?, it is very difficult to see artist & song title when streaming :-(

  22. hi kotix, include hobdrive this skin pack?


  23. How to remove album art when playing music(mp3) I want more space for my song title, just tell me where I have to Edit the Line in xml file(maybe?)

    1. It'fixed. It cannot be removed,resized or moved.
      Many things in the software are fixed or are missing in xml code.

  24. Can you please make a tutorial or way to make the skins their appropriate names? Car Play skin should not be named "skin 5" it is called "Car Play"

    1. Oh c'mon, don't you think there are other priorities than changing the name in skinmanager?
      Go in "main" folder and edit the file skin_eng.INI . rename skin3 in carplay.

  25. Carplay skin is excellent, very intuitive and responsive.
    Cant seem to find Skin Manager in the apps screen but that's not really a problem.
    Would it be possible to have a levels visualiser in the Radio screen?

    Thanks for great work Kotix.


    S100-V1.7.9.18 C305

  26. Hi, I know its a strange question, but is it possible for you to upload the nitrogen carplay.skproj file, there is something I want to change in the player, I will be very happy if you can do that!!

  27. I'll be out for the weekend, I hope I will have an internet connection but I'll not be very present in these 2 days.
    Have a nice weekend everybody! :)

  28. Ho scoperto per caso questo blog dopo aver acquistato l'autoradio s100 modello c306 per la Seat Leon. Volevo sapere gentilmente, la mia autoradio dalle info esce fuori questo:

    vers.OS: S100-UNI.A20140721-A2.2
    vers.APP: S100-APP-V1.3.9.0
    vers.MCU: NNAM S00E C306
    vers.DVD: 3255 V100 7706
    vers.BT: 20121204
    Can Bus: Connessione OK MQB V1.26.002BP
    OEM Info: A034

    Su roadnav ho trovato questo firmware:

    Date: Feb 16, 2015
    File Name: C306.exe 73.4 MB total
    Download link:
    RN model: C306
    OS: S100-UNI.A20140721-A2.2
    APP: S100-V1.8.9.0
    MCU: K0AN S00I

    è più aggiornato del mio e va bene per la versione che ho io?

    Chiedo poi a KoTiX, il mio modello si può trasformare in s150? Se si quanto costa, e c'è una guida? Eventualmente è possibile tornare a S100? Grazie

    1. Si lo puoi aggiornare all'1.8.9 senza problemi.
      Si potrebbe anche convertire ma te losconsiglio (troppi rischi e troppi problemi), si può fino a che tieni il fw che hai adesso, se aggiorni a 1.8.9 non puoi più e cmq una volta convertito a un fw android nonpuoi più tornare a wince.
      La guida? l'ho tolta perchè vendo software per wince e sarebbe controproducente.

      Ciauz ;)

    2. Innanzitutto grazie per la risposta, ti ho chiesto quanto sopra per poterlo trasformare in android in quanto ho un problema con l'autoradio e non capisco se può essere un bugs del firmware, ho installato il navigatore sygic di cui ho una guida dettagliata che ho creato io sul mio sito qui e lo stesso l'ho sempre utilizzato su altre autoradio senza avere problemi, mentre su questa s100 ho notato che se vado nelle impostazioni del sygic per abbassare il volume della voce guida mi abbassa anche l'audio di cosa sto ascoltando e se provo ad interagire invece da menu dell'autoradio andando sul volume nav anche li si abbassa e si alza sia la voce guida del navigatore sia la musica che ascolto, ho provato anche l'igo e fa la stessa cosa. Ho anche notato che se interagisco dal menu dell'autoradio provando ad abbassare invece il volume dalle impostazioni video durante la navigazione quando la voce guida parla la musica che sto ascoltando si abbassa e poi quando la voce guida smette l'audio della musica rimane sempre basso senza rialzarsi, si rialza solo quando passa alla traccia successiva ma quando la voce guida parla nuovamente sia abbassa. Spero di aver compreso quale è il problema, a questo punto non so se con il nuovo firmware possa risolvere questo problema, ho anche letto in rete che su alcune autoradio il problema può essere il dual zone, ma io l'ho disabilitato in quanto non lo uso. Sai darmi qualche suggerimento? Grazie

    3. Io non sono un grande utilizzatore dei sw di navigazione e quindi non ti sono di molto aiuto, passo più tempo con skinmanager che con un qualunque sw navi. Se vuoi passare ad android ci sentiamo per email che è meglio.
      Ciao :)

  29. you have a project for a skin "android auto" ?

  30. Finally I have followed your advices and I have fixed my device changing the front circuit board with a new one...
    Thanks to you I am running WinCE again and the CarPlay skin...
    You have done a great job KoTiX!!!
    In the next days I'll try to correct (shortening) and send you some greek wordss just to make it look better!
    I'll send some photos too..
    Have a good time KoTiX
    Alexandros (GR)

    1. Yeah!!! This is a great news from you! wellcome back in the game ;)

    2. geia eimai kai ego apo Ellada kai exoume koina , an thes na milisoume


  31. My player says s100-APP-V1.3.9.7
    Can I have your carplay skin in my player?


    1. You should update it first to la test Fw, then you can use carplay Skin.
      Pleaae tell me also which model you have, Cxxx?

    2. My model is C132 - My car is a Honda Civic 2015

    3. You should have no problem but you need to update the firmware first.
      Go to forum to find it.

    4. Update done. aap now
      All the aplicaitions still functionalin you carplay skin? Isdb-t Tv for example?
      I will miss something?


    5. You won't loose nothing, you will gain more functions...

    6. You won't loose nothing, you will gain more functions...

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Paid and downloaded. Cannot wait to try out. :-)

  33. Hi Marco,

    Job well done. It works like a charm. The update process went without any hassle. The interface is very intuitive. Keep like that...

  34. Hello KoTIX, begin januari i pay;t 15 € for the skinpacks , what must i do become the carplay skinpack

  35. Hi KoTiX, do you think, is that possible to add any extra working apps to the "APP" menu except those standard ones please (I know, you already play with that with extra browsers etc) ? I don't know, any extra games, Youtube etc. Something like add/remove option. I guess, that could be done due to your configuration stuff. it will extremely increase the value of your package and give more fun to users. Then, anyone can insert the SD card to the GPS slot, then "install" (for own responsibility) anything what he/she wants. Unlocking of WinCE is not required then... all in one on the plate under the "APP" folder...

    1. uhm... Coding such a thing will be a nice but hard challenge. I'll think about it...

      I'm already coding a script to install personal language files in place of english one selecting it from a file browser.
      Maybe I can use the same approach...

    2. Personally, at my work, I try to do something impossible to make possible and skip some logical ways and barriers to find the solution (I do big control systems withing quite tuff and harsh industries, with plenty of deadlines and stressful customers). Another way to find the solution, I just give my stuff to someone, who has the fresh eyes and he/she has never seen this part of software before :) That means, the fresh eye can find simple reduction of the code, logic sometimes. I do the same to someone sometimes.
      Returning to the subject, just looking to your project from outside, I was thinking, that's the way to develop your project, to bring new stuff with the flexible installation of 3rd party apps basis on your installer.
      Of course, it is limited by the memory size, the amount of available apps, which can run on the platform.
      But probably, you will start the topic on XDA and then, you can find plenty of freaks, testers, enthusiast to check, which apps are valid to this platform.
      Honestly, I have dilemma now to swap my unit with Android, due to my journey with UNIX friendly systems (even I use Micro...t solutions for my business). I have the same problem with my DVB-T receiver, which runs on the Enigma2 environment, but I saw DVB-T units in China running Android already. I fight everyday with myself :)
      Only your good work, it keeps myself with WinCE :)

    3. ...and then, you can give the chance to select between two different navigation software ;) The naked WinCE (without we can say, the car software), it gives (I guess) the option to run more than one independent navigation apps. Your manager could just workaround cracking the WinCE on the platform. Some guys don't like it (me too :) )...

    4. Well Marek, if I could spend all my time on this stuff I could probably implement this option pretty easily but i do this just on my free time and you know with family and kids is always less everyday. Then I should have a developement kit at home to make all my tests instead of trying all my changes while I drive to work and back ;) (I hope I'll never have a car crash... ) (crossing my fingers!)
      Anyway I always like challenges, i got boared without them so I'll probably work on it. Anyway there is already another way to have a bunch of extra apps/games/office tools/navi apps etc.. but it's a shell menu to be run with navi button like skinmanager.
      If you want to test it I can upload it somewhere.

    5. Go ahead. I can try. I don't promise anything. I have the same challenge, combining free time, with kids and family, much traveling due to my work. Personally, I don't even have a time to watch TV even I have open full packages from my satellite provider and thousands of channels from my dish. I watch movie on my tablet, waiting for the flight, or watching due to the flight, or watching after hours on the site somewhere. That's the part of this game. Unfortunately, a day has 24 hours only and we have to sleep ( I do it sometimes :D )....

  36. Hey Marco, thanks for persuading me to give up on Android for this unit, WinCE makes so much more sense and the skin pack gives it a nice touch.

    I'm wondering if your able to answer a few things since i'll probably never get the the answer from RoadNav, the sound for the music and the SatNav (iGo) is on the same channel, can they be separated somehow? I sometimes lose sound on the Nitrogen player and need to do a factory reset to restore sound, i think there is too much sound going through the same channel when your navigating and listening to some tunes, there is an APP volume, cant one of these apps be routed though there? Other than that im happy WinCe rom, Nitrogen player stops for a few seconds when i switch to it, is this normal?

    Im on 1.7.9 as there is nothing newer for C230 but is 1.8 or 1.9 any better?


    1. About navi sound, there is an option in the settings about it, voice navigation or something...
      The nitrogen player sound loss could be an overheating problem but you should loose sound from nitrogen and navi sw too.
      Nitrogen is a bit slow at startup but almost the same as original player. In original one you just see a picture while it load up, in nitrogen no.
      About fw, I have no idea if there is a new fw for your unit but you can just replace the executable files from a newer fw if you'd like to test it: platform.exe, audio.exe,video.exe,dvr_and.exe.

      Something very nice is on the way... In the next days there will be some news :)

    2. Thanks mate, i did try the voice navigation off (from on) but it had no effect, igo just sounds over the nitro player, the navi volume turns down the igo and nitro, the master vol in igo also turns down nitro. when i do lose sound from nitro the track is playing but no sound, i do still have sound from iGo and everything else, its weird, if i restart i still dont have sound on nitro but if i do a factory reset the sound returns instantly without having to restart, i hope its not the o/heating issue. more sw issue i think but who knows. cheers, looking forward to this "news" haha

    3. Hi Steven, if youhave sound on iGO while you don't have it on nitrogen it's not an overheating problem. It's overheating if you don't have it from both.
      I'll have to try myself running igo and see what happen but just to understyand it right, are you running nitrogen as default player, correct?

    4. Ah ha, i found the reason i was losing sound from nitrogen was because i was disabling the voice navigation in settings, factory reset reverts this setting, so Nitrogen is on the same channel as the iGo, or vice versa , i thought this was not the case if iGo was routed via the Navi button?

      At least its not a hw issue. :)

    5. Hi Steven, How did you solve it ? How do you make a facory reset ? I was wondering it was a Carplay skin trouble.... Thanks for your help.
      Kotix, why the mp3 from Nitrogen is cut for a short moment when you go out from the SatNav ( IGO Primo) to come back to Nitrogen??
      Nitrogen is currently set as default player.. Thanks.

    6. Hi Christophe, i realised if i turned off voice navigation in the settings menu it stops iGo sound and Nitrogen sound all together, it seems to be on the same channel (not related to the skin at all), as for Nitrogen player, it cuts out for me too when i switch to (and from it sometimes), lack of memory i guess, or poor memory usage for the app or OS, (wondering if they made any newer versions)?

      Factory reset will reset any setting made since the ROM was flashed, in the settings menu is factory reset, then you click on reset, i think you need to enter a passcode 1 2 3 4

    7. Thank you so much Steven. I've tried Factory reset and it shows me severals options as Williams, WINCA, ROAD...etc.. Do you know what it means exactly ? Regarding the memory, I do not believe that 512Mb are not enough. It seems that the sound continuity is lost swapping from one app to another... This should be due to Sound library fully differents... Are you able to change the logo at the beginning and end of the system starts and shutdown?
      I need some help to get that,, My reseller has modify the Roadnav GUI and has cancel this option.. I would like to know how recover it..

    8. Sorry for the delay, i will double check for you tomorrow, i have these options too, this is factory mode, (its a different place), not factory reset, but i know mine is set to WINCA, i think this is for the canbus?

    9. Ok, the WINCA, Williams, ROAD, etc is in the factory menu, not where you do a factory reset, that's the next option in the list

      Factory Setting
      Factory Default Reset < This one to do factory reset.

      I don't know what they are for, WINCA are the people who make/distribute these units, maybe they are others, Kotix might know.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Does Hobdrive work on this carplay skin?

    1. If it work on other skins will work on this one. I personally never tryed it.

    2. I want to buy this skin from you, i saw on roadnav forum on your skins thread someone commenting it worked, do you now how can i access it? thanks

    3. Click on the " buy now" button.
      After payment click on "return to seller site" and you'll be redirected on download page.
      You will also receive an email with the link.

  38. Off topic... is down? !!!!

  39. Hi, KoTIX,

    Hi Kotix,
    I have installed,carplay but i became not the carplay screen, i see the "normal"skin 3, what goes wrong

    S100-V1.7.9.18 C204

    1. Right now skinmanager cannot handle 5 skins so i set carplay to be the skin3. An update of skinmanager is coming soon but for now you should:
      Be sure you have on your sdcard just one skinmanager folder, i mean you have to rename or remove old skinmanager from sd.
      With only the new skinmanager, go in skintool and select Install/update a skin and select to update skin3.

    2. thanks will try that

    3. That was the problem, the carplay map on a different sd card and all goes well, thanks

  40. Can I upgrade my C019 Opel S100 to S150 with Android from boot sdcard(U$39,00) then use you Carplay Skin ??

    1. Carplay skin is only for wince not for android. Please contact me by email regarding android.

  41. Exelente skin me encanto, lo unico que personalmente le agregaria es un fondo dinamico. Yo solo tengo un problema las estaciones de radio no funcionan bien se escuchan por un par de minutos y despues se salta a la siguiene. Sys info S100 V1.7.9.0 C093. MUCHAS GRACIAS

    1. Tiene la funcione AF activada?

    2. Desactivala y todo trabaja bien.

    3. Ya la desactive funciona muy bien gracias por tu ayuda... Disculpa hay alguna vercion de firmware actualizada para el S100 C093

  42. hello kotix. you could put the clock on top of the skin nitrogen player?

  43. Hello Kotix.
    Following the link from your home page I payed 15EUR for Carplay Skin. But when i check the arhive , there is the other skins :(. May be there is a mistake in PAYPAL links, because both of them leads to 15EUR payment (what I checked after that :( ). Infact i want Carplay skin only.
    Please send me some info on my e-mail

    1. Carplay cost 20 euro, I'll double check the links

    2. So please tell me, what i have to do now, to get Carplay.

    3. Many thanks for the quick response and the correct attitude . Respect !
      All the best!

  44. Hi Kotix.
    Just one note, the clock on my car play pack is slightly to far to the right and cuts off the last digit. C201 Any ideas?

    1. Please take a screenshot with the tool in skinmanager and send it to me by email.
      Every models have different lcd density..

  45. Hi KoTix,

    I have updated my firmware from V1 1.9.0 to V1 10.9.0 is it ok now to get your carplay skin?

    Do you also give updates? if so where can i find them?



    1. Yes, you are fine for carplay now.
      Onces you pay you'll have to click on "return to reseller site" and you'll be redirected to my dropbox folder that contain carplay and future updates. In any case you'll receive an email with a memo of the link.

  46. Thank you KoTix,i have already paid and downloaded the 3rd from the top file.
    I will instal it tomorrow;-))

  47. KoTix,
    Beautiful work you have done.
    The one thing I miss on the WinCe units is a "last directory" and Next directory" button in the media player.
    My older single Din units had a next and last dir button,, all my music was on a SD card, each album was in a directory. it was easy to flip through the albums using the previous or next button.
    is it possible to add that to any of the players ? and if it is, is it possible to have those commands show up in the steering wheel assignment list ?


    1. I wish many things would be possible to do but you are maybe asking a little too much.
      They are good suggestions btw. ;)

    2. Is the native media player or the add-in players "open source" ?
      While steering wheel controls may be asking to much,, can the media players be updated to include directory "next" and "previous" commands ?

      keep up the great work,,

    3. Nitrogen is open-source, if you can program and improve it I can give you the source link.

  48. Quick question,
    I know a lot of the Chinese Wince based head units are actually 2 separate operating systems with Wince only handling the Nav/GPS side of things. There is a separate side with custom firmware/OS running the UI, media player, etc. That is why it is impossible to "customize" these units as they are running a custom OS except for the GPS side of things.
    Is the S100 different ? is the entire system run under Wince ?
    Thanks for any explanation,

  49. Hey Kotix.

    I would like to buy skinmanger for the V1.10.9.0 can you please contact me over email or XDA pm. )

  50. Ciao Kotix ho un S100 C098 per Megane II ho aggiornato alla versione V1.8.9.0 dalla V1. per un problema di audio cioè funzionava l'audio della radio ma no quella dei video e degli MP3 ma senza successo. Si può trasformare ad android e se si può risolvere questo problema grazie.

  51. Ciao Kotix ho un S100 C098 per Megane II ho aggiornato alla versione V1.8.9.0 dalla v1. per risolvere in problema di audio cioè si sentiva solo la radio mentre i file video e mp3 si vedevano, ma non si sentivano ma no ha funzionato se passo ad android si può risolvere questo problema grazie.

  52. Ciao Kotix ho un S100 C098 per Megane II ho aggiornato alla versione V1.8.9.0 dalla v1. per risolvere in problema di audio cioè si sentiva solo la radio mentre i file video e mp3 si vedevano, ma non si sentivano ma no ha funzionato se passo ad android si può risolvere questo problema grazie.

    1. Ciao Mino, Purtroppo non c'è soluzione al tuo problema audio, devi per forza cambiare la scheda cpu che si trova dietro il dispaly lcd.
      Anche mettendo android non risolvi, il problema è hardware e non software.

  53. Hello Kotix,

    does your carplay skin work on my S100 system with fw v1.10.9?

    With kind regards

  54. Thanks for your reaction! I have one question left: can I control my boardcomputer as well? Because right now with the canbus-decoder I can manage my boardcomputer. That works with a menu when I touch the 'car-button' on the main menu (in the left on the bottom of the screen)

    1. Even if my unit don't have the "Car" button, i set the skin to show that button for all other models.
      It should work but if it doesn't, feel free to contact me so i can fix it.

  55. hi kotix, please tell me will it work skin?
    OS: S100-UNI.A20140721-A2.2
    APP: S100-V1.10.9.0
    MCU: X0AN S00I

  56. Hi Kotix

    I buy you first release os carplay skin. Do you have any update for it? my firmware version is
    Can you send me the link?


    1. Tell me the email you have used to buy it and i'll send you the link

    2. The email is


  57. hello, I'm from Brazil and I wonder if it is possible to buy the skins pack for my device. I appreciate the attention.
    My car is a 2014 honda civic.
    APP edition s100-v1.3.9.0

    1. Hi Leandro, My skinpack is available for all models. You should update your firmware first beacuse it's a bit old.
      Please contact me by email or from my site

  58. Hi Leandro, My skinpack is available for all models. You should update your firmware first beacuse it's a bit old.
    Please contact me by email or from my site

  59. Hi will this carplay skinpack work on the S160?

  60. Possible to get other skins like carplay for the s160?

  61. Is it compatible with V1.2.11.0 firmware or only V1.7.9.0 for S100 RN model C024 ?

  62. Hi how can I get the CarPlay skin on the S160 please

  63. Ciao Kotix ho una autoradio S100 C 098 per megane 2 si può convertire a android?

    1. Meglio non farlo, metteresti android 4.03 che è troppo vecchio per qualunque cosa.

  64. S100 WINCE
    OS EDITION S100-UNI.A20131219-A2.1
    APP EDITION S100-V1.0.9.0
    MCU EDITION F00K S00B C083
    DVD EDITION 3227 V100 7706
    BT EDITION 20121204
    OEM INFO A002
    Anyone got a link to above firmware or a newer one that will work, WinCE?
