Saturday, May 31, 2014

New S150 KoTiX 2.2 ROM based on the 30/04/2014 android 4.03 fw - UPDATED to 2.3

Time for a new ROM update today:

S150 KoTiX v2.2
EDIT: I have updated the ROM to version 2.3 to include a fix for Youtube and GooglePlayServices:
S150 KoTiX v2.3
If you don't use them, you can stay on v2.2

05.06.2014 - Fixed Google Play Services and Youtube
26.05.2014 - New bootanimation
25.05.2014 - New 160 DPI mod using Xposed and AppSetting
24.05.2014 - Removed Gapps option, they are already there!
14.05.2014 - New base fw 20140430

The rom is based on the latest 30/04/2014 winca firmware.
As you can see in the changelog winca already added the gapps so there is no need of them anymore in the aroma installer.
There aren't big changes in the rom but I used a different method to get the 160 DPI mod using Xposed framework and AppSetting, allowing to use the default launcher and allowing me in the future an easyer way to upgrade to a new fw without needing to mod each apk file.
Anyway the xposed framework will be installed in a strange way so that will be already running the app setting module right after flash but if you try to run it, it won't work. Let's see what you guys think of it and togheter will try to find a better way of running it.

The most noticable changes anyway are in the external folders "system" and "Igo", where in system you can add system apps, modify the build.prop or other folders that you need to preinstall during flash.
The iGO folder has been added by winca in this last fw and will be copied to the internal harddisk, so i guess you should copy there the maps or whatever iGO needs.

As many of you already know in the winca folder there is an "app" folder that is used to preinstall the user apps during the flash of the firmware. In this folder you can put all the apks you like, just paying attention to remove spaces from the apk name.
I prepared a small package with some usefull apps you can paste in that folder:

Enjoy for now, I'll wait for your comments ;)

NOTE for new users: if you want all the above mods you'll have to choose the "Custom install" option in the installer.


  1. Please help me I have this model I091 kia k5 and software 2.34 did not appreciate the latest system to 4.0.3 or 4.0 to

    1. Follow these instructions:

  2. My dear brother I have tried all ways but have not succeeded may missing something not to do give me solution

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Replies
    1. Prepare the sd recovery as described here:

  5. Hello KoTiX, how are you.

    If I all ready have your last update 2.1, how do I install this 2.2, just copy to a SD and put in the GPS slot, or I have to do all the from S100 to S150

    1. Winca nave broken the system upgrade, so you still have to use sdflasher.

  6. Thanks.

    Can I do a Downgrade?? to the original Wince

  7. Gracias kotix. La probaremos

    1. He hecho una nueva versión con youtube y Google Play Services fijados:

  8. KoTiX Hello, thank you for your help with the conversion of s100 to s150. Got a tip you want to share, did my central recognize the steering wheel controls, my core and a C112, done the installation of your rom after installing entered service with the code # 0323 # you type this in the Bluetooth menu you select type canbus put the BMW i320 and my steering wheel controls are working. I can not edit the functions more like standard works.

    1. You could also set the right canbus number in FactoryModeValue.xml (BusType="")

  9. haber he puesto la version 2.3 pero ahora cuando he pasado mp3 a la carpeta music del disco interno , me pone que hoy lista de canciones dentro
    has hecho algo a has modificado algo?? , porque ya he probado de todo.

    1. No he modificado nunca.
      El fw 2.2 y 2.3 tengon como base el fw de el 30/04 y sabe que algo esta cambiado en el reproductor de mp3 y algo en el usb.
      el 2.3 respecto al 2.2 tiene solo algunas gapps differente para haber compatibilitad con el GooglePlayServices y nada mas.

  10. Good afternoon,

    I tried on a C034 and goes perfect, also the steering wheel.

    I installed the tomtom 1.3 and gets no GPS signal, there a solution?


    1. NO solution yet but i'm investigating a bit.

  11. Hola,
    he convertido mi s100 en s150 con esta release 2.3
    El reproductor de audio no reconoce ningun MP3
    El MCU me hace zoom en la marcha atras.
    Mi problema es que no encuentro la MCU compatible con mi C026/I026; no me funcionan los botones fisicos del aparato.
    Me puedes ayudar ? Gracias

    OS: S100-UNI.A20140106-A2.1
    APP: S100-V1.2.9.0
    MCU: N00L S00E

    1. Por los mp3 tiene que ponerlos en una carpeta "music"
      El zoom en retro marcia es un bug de esto firmware, no puedo hacer nada.
      Para los botones tiene que modificar el AdSet.xml con estos valores:

      ADValue1 v0="3" v1="16" v2="31" v3="47" v4="64" v5="79" v6="95" v7="113" v8="129" v9="147" v10="164" v11="180" v12="199" v13="214" v14="228" v15="242"/>
      ADValue2 v0="255" v1="255" v2="255" v3="255" v4="255" v5="255" v6="255" v7="255" v8="255" v9="255" v10="255" v11="255" v12="255" v13="255"/>
      ADFunc1 v0="Rem_KEY_pow" v1="Soft_Rem_aux" v2="Rem_src" v3="Rem_nightmode" v4="Rem_eject" v5="Rem_prev" v6="Rem_navi" v7="Rem_next" v8="Rem_band" v9="Rem_call_receive" v10="Rem_dvd" v11="Rem_play" v12="Rem_eq" v13="Rem_ff" v14="Soft_Rem_enter" v15="Rem_fr"/>


  12. Hi Kotix,
    can I make the New Update 2.3 as I did in the past from WinCE to Abdroid 4.03 ?
    And another question: USB in my center console (Hyundai i40) is not working, do you have any idea why ?


    1. Of coarse you can, just do it in the same way.
      No idea about usb, sorry. Maybe a mcu problem but i really can't say...

  13. Hi Kotix, today I tried to update to the new firmware.
    After 85% the Radio began to freeze.
    Now nothing is working, Black Panel,
    What can I do ?

    1. Flash back the firmware you had before this update. Are you sure you changed the config folder with yours?
      Did it freeze during mcu flash?

  14. So, now it works again with the old flash.
    Yes kotix it stopped working during MCU Flash (nearly 85%), do you have any idea ?

    1. No idea, but if you have no problem with older mcu, you can flash 2.3 using custom install without mcu and flash.

    2. Hola kotix puedes hacer la rom v. 2.1 conel bottanimaion de la versión v 2.2

      He probado de cambiar los archivos pero no funciona.

    3. pone la en la carpeta data\local\ de la rom 2.1 con rootexplorer

    4. mine freezed also at 85% ( while flashing MCU). it takes a very looong time. but after a second try goes working till 100%

  15. none of last 3 options, no mcu, no flash and no BT

  16. Thanks Kotix, now it works :-)
    Any Idea why we can't use Navigon on the device ? GPS Posititon seems to be incorrect and every time calcite the route once again

    1. don't ask me about navi stuff... i mostly don't use them.

  17. Okay thanks. Wish you a nice evening

  18. Hola Kotix, tengo la duda de si funcionara ya en el Vw Passat 3c ( 2007). He leido que el SWC no funciona . Tengo miedo a probar , que no funcione y que no lo pueda dejar en su estado actual ( plataforma s100) con v1.1.9.0 y todo funcionando.

    1. Necesito saber el modelo de radio no de coche, gracias :)

    2. Gracias por tu pronta respuesta, Es una WinCa, la de Cortex A8 512 Ram Flash 4096. Como Mcu Version me aparece E00L S00E C305. OEM info A002 Os Version s100 Uni A20140106a2.1
      App Version S100 V1.1.9.18. Mas informacion no te puedo dar

    3. Tu modelo es c305 y puede convertirlo en i305 sin mucho problemas porque esta en la lista de modelo disponible con el Fw 4.03. Tiene siempre un minimo rischio y solo tu puede aceptarlo o no.

    4. ok, tengo problemas con las tarjetas SD, tengo 3 y con ninguna puedo hacer fuse. la hacer scan no me reconoce ninguna de las 3 tarjetas. El "rischio", veo que eres italiano pero escribes muy buen español, decia que el riesgo siempre se puede volver a wince?

    5. Si, puede volver a wince con wince-sdboot, pero el "rischio" no es en el sistema operativo, ma en el flash de la mcu. Si tiene el Fw android original de el i305 puede tomar el mcu correcto y la carpeta config que necesita.

    6. cant read mbr from drive. That´s the message on my 3 Sd Cards for SDboot..Sdflasher wont work also. Doesn´t recognize the cards, so the proccess cant be started.. I dont have also the Android files for i305. .

    7. Use another PC or another card reader

    8. Ha funcionado el Sdboot con otro pc. Ahora. Ya tengo Sdboot hecho. Me he descargado los FW del i305 para Android 2.3.4 y de estos he cogido el flash.bin y mcu.bin y los he copiado a tu trabajo. La carpeta Config tambien la he extraido desde i305 v2.3.4 .
      Con esto deberia funcionar ?


    9. Sdboot es para wince! Tiene que hacer el fuse con sd-flasher para poner el fw 4.03 y despues copiar los archivos en la carpeta winca y en el root de la sd.
      Mira al tutorial en mi blog.

    10. perdon, con el sdflasher se instala android. con sdboot todo funciona. ahora quiero probar a instalar las aplicaciones. Igo y demas. Muy buen trabajo! He conseguido instalar android en mi C305.

  19. Gracias kotix ya he cambiado el bootmation y ha funcionado.

  20. Hi Kotix,

    Can i please ask if this S100 honda accord unit can be upgraded to your custom 4.0.3 android.
    Model: HDA-C051

    Thanks in advance

    1. I nave no idea, check the safe list in my guide.

  21. Hola KoTiX,

    He cogido tu archivo de archivo de actualización 2.3 y he sustituido en él los archivos flash.bin y mcu.bin.
    Lo he sustituido tanto en la raíz de la SD como en la carpeta winca.
    Se ha actualizado, pero ahora al encenderse suenan unos 5 bip muy sequidos. Aunque luego todo parece funcionar correcto es un poco incómodo escuchar tantos bip nada mas encender la radio.

    He hablado con eric de foro renault y me ha dicho que puede ser porque en el archivo también están los archivos .bin y puede haber creado un conflicto.

    ¿Debo sustituir los archivos flash.bin y mcu.bin en el archivo comprimido
    ¿Debo sustituir también la carpeta config del archivo comprimido
    Si no debo tocar el archivo comprimido, ¿cómo debo hacer para que se actualice y funcione correctamente con los archivos propios del software de mi radio?

    Muchas gracias KoTiX.

    1. No esta conflitto, los que estan en la carpeta winca sobre escribon los de el archivo.
      Tiene solo questo buscar la mcu corretta para el tu modelo.

  22. Hola KoTiX, muchas gracias por responder tan pronto.
    Haces un excelente trabajo.
    He visto en foro renault que has puesto un enlace para descargar android 4 específico para el megane.
    ¿Dónde encuentras los firmwares originales?
    Yo a veces miro carnaviplayer, pero ahí no encuentro mi modelo.

      y en el forum russo:

    y en el forum russo:

  24. Hola Kotix, en mi C305 con tu Rom 4.0.3 v2.2 sigo teniendo un par de pequeños problemas. Posiblemente por mi poca experiencia.
    1 Display zoomed que hace que el borde inferior de Igo no se vea el ultimo boton,
    2 Los botones next y prev funcionan en mi SWC en todos los programas excepto en las aplicaciones de musica mp3. Sue puede resolver?GRACIAS

    1. Estos son problemas normal de el Fw 4.03, no puedo hacer nada.

  25. kotix, puedo hablar con chat contigo para algunas cosas?, tengo informacion importante para tu trabajo. solo para compartirte algunos "ajustes optimos" que me funcionan a mi. Puede que sean de utilidad para otros compañeros.
    Yo tengo Viber, Skype, Whatsapp, Facebook. por el medio que quieras.

  26. Friends, I'm tired of trying to put the 3G to work. I do not know if you need a previous registration of APN, but already tried putting manually, but it does not save.

    Someone has managed to solve this problem? If yes, can tell me how? Step by step, please?

    1. PPP widget, find it on playstore

    2. Ok, thanks, but the solution was partial.
      I installed the "PPP WIDGET", tried all settings, and that worked best was to automatically detect the modem and port defined.
      But even then, when I turn on S150, have to wait the whole boot, can not leave the "Automatic Connection" set, and only after started, I have to unplug and then plug in the modem, then the modem only connects.
      Run the procedure of plug and unplug every time, not very convenient, it is ideal that could close the dashboard of the vehicle with all internal.
      On this scenario, how are you doing?

    3. I don't use a 3g connection, just share WiFi with my phone

    4. I don't use a 3g connection, just share WiFi with my phone

    5. I don't use a 3g connection, just share WiFi with my phone

    6. I don't use a 3g connection, just share WiFi with my phone

    7. I don't use a 3g connection, just share WiFi with my phone

    8. I got an evolution on this issue.
      My 3g modem works with version 2.4.
      But for this to happen, I had to note the following points:
      1) The WI-FI should be off
      2) connect the 3g modem only after the S150 has started. Then it identifies the modem and automatically connects.
      3) about the error that the modem generates, saying that the SD card is corrupted, this happens only with modems that have a slot for SD Card, if he is not satisfied, generates error if the slot has the card with the error will not occur.
      Still has a Downside, the modem only comes into operation if it is plugged after the S150 is finished with the boot, which prevents the modem to be saved, because it must always be accessible.
      The impression I have is that if we could slow the modem initialization solve the problem, another option is to put an on / off switch on the USB cable to connect the USB power only after initialization.
      If there is any hint will be welcome.

  27. Dear Kotix, can you kindly add in your next release the vpn support on your rom.
    i need it to bypass some country restrictinos on viewing pay-tv.
    thanks in advance

    1. I have no idea how to do it and how to test it. Sorry ;)

  28. Hi there

    IM getting the following error on Installing some applications. For example MEO Drive, Ndrive ,TomTom... (GPS Software)

    Im see this error when try to open it:

    Error 5
    Failed to lunch application due to invalid

    1. which rom are you using? 2.2?

    2. kotix - im using the 4.0.3

    3. I know you are on4.03, I need to know if you are using my lates 2.4 rom or the earlyer one 2.2.

    4. Hi think using 2.2 ou 2.3... Not sure.
      I download from this "title"
      New S150 KoTiX 2.2 ROM based on the 30/04/2014 android 4.03 fw - UPDATED to 2.3

      I gonna try last version you have in web v2.4 and try

    5. Kotix... I just install the last version on your web... still same problem...

      Eric told me to check the link but can't understand what I need

  29. para josesa portugal
    mira esto

    1. Hi there...

      I check the link. Check the details... But can't understand what "software/files" fits my needs..

  30. Hello Kotix,

    I installed version 2.3, but youtube does not start, a message appears and tells me that google services play are not present or are incompatible

    My device is a I156 (Hyundai)

    Do you have a idea for this problem

    Version 2.3 is not supposed to solve this problem?

    Anyway, nice work, thanks

    1. You have to download play services from playstore

    2. it does not work

      during the installation of play services. I have a message: Incompatible with other application (s) using the same shared id "

    3. You need ROM 2.3 or 2.4. On 2.2 playservices was broken.

    4. I use the 2.3 version but its the same problème.

      The 2.4 is compatible with m'y device ?


  31. i install the 2.4 version today and it's the same problème :(

    1. Try this one:

      I know waze don't work on this one but the rest should be fine.

    2. Please consider donating if you wish.
      Bye :)

  32. Estiimado KoTiX:

    Tengo una radio S100 para Chevrolet Captiva 2012, quisiera convertirlo a S150 (Android 4.0.3 o superior) , es posible ?

    Los datos que me salen en la radio son:

    Edicion bsp S100-UNI.F20140106-A2.1
    Edicion app S100-V1.3.9.0
    Edicion mcu F0NM S00E C109
    Edicion dvd 3255 V100 7706
    OEM Info A002

    Por favor, tu gran ayuda, adicionalmente , una pregunta , se pierde alguna funcionalidad ?


  33. No funcionan los enlaces a:
    S150 KoTiX v2.2
    S150 KoTiX v2.3

    ¿Podria poner algún enlace que funcione?
    Muchas gracias de antemano.


  34. ayuda q actualizacion debo usar
    Today, 11:23 PM
    Hola a todos necesito saber q actualizacion debo o puedo usar win ce o android el sticker del estereo dice 51c2070514700 es ee un 207 mi correo electrónico es desde ya gracias

  35. Ciao Kotix, ma hai messo il tuo Fw a pagamento ? I link ai download di dropbox non funzionano più..

    1. Si Maurizio,
      ora è tutto a pagamento, ho fatto anche una rom nuova con nuova grafica e nuove funzioni in arrivo.
      Mandami una email per maggiori info.
      Ciao ;)

  36. hi
    i downloaded the S150 4.03 KoTiX_v2.7 i want to change my car dvd system to android but i dont have GPS port to but thr SDcard in i have only USB or SDcard my dvd is china and my car is cerato 2014 please i want your help in this my friend

    1. Hi, i guess you don't have an S100 roadnav unit...
      The android conversion work only on those models.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. hi me dvd they call it ( still cool ) i dont know witch software in it so how can i do my friend
      ur help please if theres any software i can change to

    4. Pkease send me some pictures of the screens of your unit to my email:

    5. ok bro i will send u today thank u so much

    6. hello my friend i sent u the email with the pics !
