Sunday, November 5, 2017

S160 KoTiX ROM 06.11.2017 (06.09.2017 fw base) with new Launcher3X

Here is again  new version of my S160 Customized ROM.
This time I bring you a brand new Launcher for our S160 that i called it Launcher3X:

Home screen

Here is a short demo video:

I re-organized the layout of some of the settings making a new "NAVIMODS" menu that group all the main modifications that i did:

In System Mods you can find 3 other subcategories:
The "KoTiX Modifications" with some new options like the "LCD density" and "SDcard Hack".
The usual Music Visualizer for the notification panel and S160Keys.

System Mods
KoTiX mods

In the StatusBar  menu is possible to enable/disable various items:

Statusbar mods
Potato Clock
Enable/Disable Statusbar items
Enable/Disable Statusbar items 2

The Display & Mods option is now a more standard "Display" only option.
Here i added the Font Type changer app so you can have some fun choosing the one you prefer.

New Settings layout
Font Chooser

Another new addition is a "Voice" button in the main bluetooth screen:
New Voice Call button
New Voice Call button

I hope you like the new changes



To avoid sharing of my hard work, i added a security check in the ROM.

To unlock the security check in my ROM please provide me your unit model number (M***).

To know it simply go in Settings->System information screen on your unit.

In the picture you can see it’s a M171 model.
Once you tell me your model number i'll send you a file with the unclock code that you will need to add in the folder WINCACFG on sdcard before flashing the rom.
If you try to run the rom without the unlock file or with the wrong code you will see a picture like this:

If you'd like to have more informations and to buy it, please go visit my site:

Friday, August 4, 2017

S160 KoTiX ROM 30.07.2017 (04.05.2017 fw base) with Opengapps

A new version of my ROM is available in my gdrive. It's based on the 04.05.2017 original firmware.
The most significant change is that i replaced the google apps with Opengapps to fix the music player audio cuts and for an overall faster response of the unit.
I added also the application Opengapps Downloader so (in case you 'll need in a future to update them) you can easily download the updated Opengapps zip file and use Flashfire to flash it.

Here is the changelog:

29.07.2017 - Fixed Update.config now has "1" as default
28.07.2017 - Changed order in Setttngs/Informations screen and added Navimods Label
25.07.2017 - Changed Bootanimation with NaviMods
21.07.2017 - Added OpenGapps downloader app
20.07.2017 - Replaced Gapps with OpenGapps
19.07.2017 - Replaced AdBlock with AdAway
18.07.2017 - Added options to change Strings Colors in Tune Skin
30.06.2017 - Updated to firmware base 04/05/2017

All the third party apps has been updated and in my Gdrive there is also a new version of Easyconnect for mirrorlink function with Android and IOS phones.


To avoid sharing of my hard work, i added a security check in the ROM.

To unlock the security check in my ROM please provide me your unit model number (M***).

To know it simply go in Settings->System information screen on your unit.

In the picture you can see it’s a M171 model.
Once you tell me your model number i'll send you a file with the unclock code that you will need to add in the folder WINCACFG on sdcard before flashing the rom.
If you try to run the rom without the unlock file or with the wrong code you will see a picture like this:

If you'd like to have more informations and to buy it, please go visit my site:

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

S160 KoTiX ROM 10.05.2017 - microG/Gapps installer - better audio balance/fader

I released new version of the rom KoTiX S160 ROM 10.05.2017, small but significant changes:

08.05.2017 - Removed Autostart from settings
25.04.2017 - Increased visibility of albumart in kotix skin
21.04.2017 - Added Signature spoofing in rom for microG install
15.04.2017 - Added better audio fader and balance control
10.04.2017 - Updated to firmware base 13/03/2017 (rk3188-eng 4.4.4 KTU84Q eng.rks160.20170313.092242)

MCU: 01703130
MCU: 61703130

Here you can see the single step buttons for fader and balance control:

I also uploaded an  "Aroma Installer" that let you switch between Gapps to microG and viceversa (find it in the tests folder in my gdrive).
What is microG?? it's a light weight alternative to Google apps and services that will speed up you S160  and will remove the  hick ups of the audio player definetively.
Here some more infos:

I wasn't able to make the installation in just one step so it's always mandatory to remove gapps or microG before installing the new files or it will cause bootloops.

The procedure to install microG would be:
- flash the with flashfire
- remove gapps (option 1)
- reboot
- flash the zip again
- install microG (option 2)

The procedure to install Gapps would be:
- flash the with flashfire
- remove microG (option 1)
- reboot
- flash the zip again
- install Gapps (option 3)

Using the new rom there is no need to use xposed module FakeGapps beacuse signature spoofing is included in the rom itself. If you are on older versions of the rom you need the module active.


To avoid sharing of my hard work, i added a security check in the ROM.

To unlock the security check in my ROM please provide me your unit model number (M***).

To know it simply go in Settings->System information screen on your unit.

In the picture you can see it’s a M171 model.
Once you tell me your model number i'll send you a file with the unclock code that you will need to add in the folder WINCACFG on sdcard before flashing the rom.
If you try to run the rom without the unlock file or with the wrong code you will see a picture like this:

If you'd like to have more informations and to buy it, please go visit my site:

Thursday, April 6, 2017

S160 KoTiX ROM (05.04.17) - New "TUNE" skin!!

With the help of my friend Alper, a new skin has been developed for S160 Roadnav head units and it's now ready for public.
I kept the name he gave to the skin "Tune" and I helped him completing it and fixing many bugs in the skin engine, allowing now a more complete switch of the icons and graphic between the skins.
So here is the TUNE skin:

As you can see there is a new PowerButton that put the unit in a semi sleep mode.
The icons in audilauncher are now 8 and they have been re-ordered in a more convenient way (maybe in a future i'll be able to make them selectable...)
The car model Logo right now is not visible, i'll try to make it selectable later on.

All icons in main launcher switch according to the skin used .
There is a new player widget too.

Also the graphic in the audio player now switch correctly.

As you can see from the last radio screens, i have changed also the stations list layout showing the frequency and the RDS name of the station and in the bookmarks buttons now you can choose to show the Station name (in 2 lines, not as scrolling text) or the frequency.
This is a new option in the KoTiX mods menu in settings and need a reboot to be applied.

This is the main changelog since 17/01 rom version, in evidence other mods that has been added:
05.04.2017 - Added January 2017 new type 0 mcu file
31.03.1017 - Digital clock III is now default clock widget
30.03.2017 - Changed radio list layout with "frequency+ rds name" displayed in one line
28.03.2017 - Added Swedish langage to skins
27.03.2017 - Added S160keys to audilaucnher
26.03.2017 - Audilauncher has now 8 icons per page
25.03.2017 - Added power button in audilauncher
23.03.2107 - Added Launcher icons to match Tune skin style
22.03.2017 - Various fixes in smali codes to allow all icons to switch accordingly to skins
20.03.2017 - Added new skin "Tune" (by Alper & me)
18.03.2017 - Added a second home widget for music/radio etc..
17.03.2017 - Added option in KotixMods to select the number of apps available in SWC Mode Select window
10.02.2017- Added option in KotixMods to choose to display Frequencies or Stations names in radio bookmarks buttons
01.02.2017- Station names in bookmarks buttons are displayed in 2 rows instead of a single scrolling line
25.01.2017- Removed AdBlock and replaced with AdAway
20.01.2017 - Updated Google apps to latest

Here is a preview video:



To avoid sharing of my hard work, i added a security check in the ROM.

To unlock the security check in my ROM please provide me your unit model number (M***).

To know it simply go in Settings->System information screen on your unit.

In the picture you can see it’s a M171 model.
Once you tell me your model number i'll send you a file with the unclock code that you will need to add in the folder WINCACFG on sdcard before flashing the rom.
If you try to run the rom without the unlock file or with the wrong code you will see a picture like this:

If you'd like to have more informations and to buy it, please go visit my site:

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Skinmanager 6.1 and Radio Editor 2 with radio stations logos support


It's finally here! This new version of skinmanager bring a new interface with a better layout.
It has been under developement for almost half a year and now it is ready to be shown.
The main functions are still the same as the old style but many bugs has been cleared, the usabilty has been greatly improved. 
This is not my work but  mainly the work of a very good friend that i will never thank enough for all the hours he spent on it. I really like the result and i'm sure you all will like it too.

If you have enabled the AutoUpdate feature in the skinmanager settings, it will update skinmanager at next run.
Otherwise, simply go in skintool to update skinmanager.

NOTE: I recommend to first update Skinmanager and olny after that  update the skins.
The unlock code is still the same.


Radio Editor has been totally re-written from scratch, making it simpler to use and with more functions:
- A Radio station  can be now assigned to a button just clicking on a numbered "Star"
- Text edit is easyer with keyboard automatic toggle
- Text can be enabled\disabled
- You can now assign a Logo\Icon to a button, selecting it from an internal repository
- Also the logos can be enabled\disabled
- All the skins are updated in one shot 

These are the informations that you need to know to be able to use the logos correctly:
1.The logos (for now) can be used only in skins 2, 5 and 6.
2. Skins 3 and 4 still use the labels only assignement.

3. Skins2 (android) and  Skin5 (Carplay) use logos/icons in the png format with a dimension of 120x90 pixels.
    Skin6 (mydean) need png with a dimension of 120x70 pixels.
4. Logos are saved on sdcard in the folder \Skinmanager\Bookmarks. During first install the logos are copied in the unit too.
5. Radio stations Logos can be downloaded from wolkswagen site at this url (just select your Nation and download the zip file):
6. Once downloded extract the zip file in a sub-folder of \Skinmanager\Bookmarks\  on sdcard. Run Radio Editor and update the internal repository with the "Refresh" button
7. To assign the logos to your Bookmarked stations buttons, hold your finger on a Station in the list and a selection window will pop up.
8. If the "Show Icons" toggle switch is disabled, the skin will use the "old style" buttons with labels
9. Enabling the "Show Labels" toggle will display the name of the station over the button allowing you to use blank buttons


As i said Skin6  now have radio station icons too but it has also a couple of more apps: Single Player and the file manager CECMD

 Here is  (a partial) the changelog:
- Added some smaller empty bookmarks (120x70) for skin6
- Added radio icons to skin6
- Added SinglePlayer and cecmd to skin6 apps
- Fixed Skin1 theme bug
- RadioEditor opens png files with any name, any size (it's not resizing them!)
- Added in  Themer,  Skin1 radio buttons
Changed in skin5 default radio bookmarks with "old style"
Little fix in skin2 Next/Prev radio buttons behaviour
- Fixed all Radio buttons, bookmarks, arrows etc.. in Skin2
- For RadioEditor to install (and MirrorLink as well) the system need to be patched. If the system can't be patched when RaEd or ML is called for the 1st time, a notification will pop up.
- Introduced RadioEditor v2.3
- Added clock to Skin5 audio player
- Fixed dots in skin2 home time
- Updated mirrorlink with ios 10.2 fix
- Introduced Skinmanager 6.1




If you already have it, you can find the update in my gdrive folder.