Thursday, May 7, 2015

May 2015 - S100 Skinpack update available

It's already passed one month since my last post on this blog but it's not because I'm lazy (well maybe just a little), it's because there are some good news and new features about my skinpacks that tooked some time to be developed.
The first good news is that I have a new collaborator that I would like to thank for his great help on the Scripting side, so Thank You EAC!
With his help we improved a lot the Skinmanager functions and now it can be run from all the external storages available ( USB, DVD  and GPS slots), it will automatically check for Skinmanager and for Skins updates availabilty.
If a skin update is available the Skinmanager will show the "NEW" flag on top of the skin icon:

Clicking on the skin icon you'll be prompted to update or not.
Skinmanager will also check the presence of a skin folder on the storage, if not available will show the "Interdiction" symbol.

EAC has also improved the entire Messaging system of skinmanager so that now it's more understandable and clear.

Another BIG thank's go to my russian friend Alex that has realized all the great Patches to the software allowing us to have the 12 radio buttons, the unencripted strings and now the possibility to be more free to skin the audio player adding repositioning and resizing of the album art and the progress slider. Regarding album art, he was also able to add support for covers in the format "anyname.jpg", so the audio player now will show the cover  embedded in the mp3 tag as usual or the jpg image included in the album folder.

So making a list of what you'll get in this update:

1. Album art in JPG format support
2. Ported the skin i made for mydean player to Carplay original player
3. A little rework in skin4 audio player
4. New ipod skin for carplay (it's like previous audio player)
5. Skinned video section in Skin3,4 and 5
6. Added 12 radio buttons to skin1 and skin2
7. Redesigned all keyboards in skin 4 and 5 (BT, Video search, Audio search) in all languages
8. Skinmanager and Skins version update check
9. Fullbackup of the entire firmware trought skintool
10. Skinmanager can run from USB and DVD slot too
11. Better icons and Messaging system in Skinmanager
12. Changelog viewable from skinmanager
13. And so on... too many to rember them all.. read the changelog for the rest :)

ATTENTION: If you were using the software patch, you will need to re-apply the patch again to have everything working ok.

Some pictures now:

(I'll upload more pics later on)

 Right now is available the skinpacks for the newest firmwares from 1.8.9 to 1.10.9 and i don't know if i'll make a version for 1.7.9 because the audio Patches are not available for that firmware.

Coming up next:

- port the mydean interface to standard s100

- more optimizations and features to skinmanager


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N.B. Please consider the world time difference and my busy life before asking for the confirmation email or for a paypal refund, Thank you.