Saturday, April 26, 2014

New S150 android 4.03 firmware available

A few days ago winca released a new android 4.03 (ICS)  firmware  for S150 unit I001:


(If you have different unit, use it at your own risk and be sure you have the original firmware for backup and you know what you are doing, specially regarding the risks of flashing MCU.)

Today I am releasing a modified version of it that include the Aroma installer from which you can choose which mods to install and which one not.

Ones the Aroma installer start it will ask you to choose between the Full original untouched I001_4.0_20140328 firmware or to customize the installation as you wish.

The things you can select in the custom install are:

- CWM Supersuser (root)
- Gapps (remember to activate the "Stay awake" in developer settings)
- Viper4Android Audio effects
- RadioPlayer and Bluetooth modded apks
- Flash Hardware Flash,MCU and BT

Let me explain a little what are these options:

- CWM Superuser will install SU binary and Superuser.apk to gain root access and superuser privileges to the android system

- Google Apps are the proprietary Google-branded applications that come pre-installed with most Android devices, such as the Play Store, Gmail, Maps, etc.
Winca did not add all the Gapps in their firmwares but  many users find them beneficial to take full advantage of the Android ecosystem. 

- Viper4Android Audio  is an audio enhancing software to provide everyone with better audio experiences

- RadioPlayer and Bluetooth I modded these 2 apps changing a little bit the graphic and the layout,
 you'll have a bigger and center RDS info in the radio and a bigger and center caller id in the        bluetooth app

- Flash Hardware Flash,MCU and BT  Here you can choose to update or not the Flash, MCU and Bluetooth module, this is usefull to the users that come from a 2.34 android firmware that want to keep their mcu and flash. Also i would say that it's always a little risky an mcu upgrade and will be more safe to don't upgrade it very often.

Here is my new firmware mod:



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